This category contains patterns that emerge in chaos theory, that one should know about when thinking of phenomena in the natural sciences. Whenever such phenomena are seen, chances are, that linear approximations will only describe coarse approximations, and underlying phenomenon is really of non-periodic nature.
- Recursion vs. Iteration
- Fixed Point Attractors
- Limit Cycles
- Strange Attractors
- Lorentz Strange Attractor
- Logistic / Quadratic Map
- Bifurcation Diagram
- Feigenbaum Constants
- Saddle Points as Equilibrial Points
Properties & Strategies
- Chaos as Breakdown of Topological Supersymmetry
- Butterfly Effect
- Generalisation: Prerequisites for Wisdom of the Crowd: Absence of Bias and some Expertise
- Traveling Salesman Problem
- Traveling Salesman: Ant solution
- Urey & Miller: Amino acids emerge from bipolar molecules with pulsed energy
- Quality emerges from quantity
- The simpler the building blocks, the better
- Gradients
- Neirest-Neigbour Interaction
- Generalists are more likely to produce adaptive outcomes than Specialists
- Ideal optima are just emerging, imaginary things
- You don’t need top-down blueprints
Distribution and Networks
- Ouroboros (Egypt & Greece). Self-Containment
- Mary the Jewess: Elimination of Opposites & Emergence
- Kundalini Energy (India, Yoga): Basic, constructive life-force
- Five Phases(China, Taoism): 2 opposing forces through five phases
- Three Gunas (India, Hinduism): Odd numbers of interacting forces cannot produce extinguishing opposites
- Samkhya (India): Phenomena as emergent effects
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